Race Report & Then Some: Every Woman's Marathon - 26.2 #20
Let this be the long-lost race report that never happened at the end of 2024 and also a photo dump of our trip to Georgia! There is so much that I haven't wrote about since Fargo 2024 and prior to that even. I had mentioned my mom's brain cancer diagnosis in May of 2023 and she did pass away in July 2024, now having rest and complete healing as she is with our Lord Jesus Christ. Since then, I have been doing a lot of life "pruning". What is priority? What isn't? My main priorities are God, my husband & family, and homeschooling - then everything else comes after that. Last February was a rough one with mom's cancer battle, my running pup Ruby dying unexpectedly, and assortment of other things just adding up. I was about ready to cut the "unessentials" of marathoning, Instagram/this blog (my running community basically), and to just do what I absolutely had to do. I was very sad and wanted to give up on whatever I had the option to. That even c...